Skripsi Bahasa Inggris PDF(Teaching and Learning Process of Speaking)
The teaching of English includes four skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Speaking is one of the most difficult aspects for students to master. Thats why teaching speaking skill is generally felt challenging for young learner especially the fourth graders of SD Hj Isriati 1 Semarang because it needs more attractive activities. In order to reach the successfulness of teaching and learning process, teacher should provides good material, methods and learning assessments.
This research is aimed at finding the answer to the following research questions: How is the implementation of English teaching and learning process of speaking in terms of material, teaching methods, and learning assessments at the fourth grades of SD Hj Isriati 1 Semarang?
The objective of this study is to identify the implementation of English teaching and learning process of speaking class in terms of material, teaching methods, and learning assessments at the fourth grade of SD Hj Isriati Baiturrahman 1 Semarang. This study is a descriptive research. Data collection is done using observation, documentation, and interview. To analyze the data, descriptive qualitative analysis is used; it is to present the result of study in the form of descriptive explanation.
Result of the study shows some findings. The material of speaking class is taken from English Workbook for Elementary School which gives the students some practices of speaking skill. The methods implemented in teaching speaking are CLT, PPP and Direct Method. The learning assessments are done by performing pair dialogue, giving students tasks and asking students to make sentences.
Based on the result of the study, the writer suggests that in teaching speaking skill to young learner teachers should create an interesting, enjoyable, and fun class atmosphere in speaking class. This result hopefully can inspire teachers in teaching speaking, especially for the level of elementary school students.
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Skripsi Bahasa Inggris PDF(Teaching and Learning Process of Speaking)