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The background of the study in this research, reading is one of important language skill that the students have to read English material for their subject, most of students are interested in reading the English written material such as; book, novel, article and text. Based on the phenomena that textbook has a great role in teaching learning, because textbook are important for students to prepare and fulfill experiences in the good process. So, the English teacher should be able to decide whether the contents of the textbook are suitable with the current curriculum or not. In this study, the writer choose content analysis of reading materials in English on Sky textbook because it is one of the genres that must be mastered by Ninth Year Students of Junior High School. The problems of this research can be stated as follow: 1. What kind of genre contained in the reading passages found in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga? 2. What is the lexical density of reading text in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga? The objectives of this study are (1) to find out the kind of genre contained in the reading passage found in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga, (2) to find out the lexical density of reading text based on English on Sky textbook for 9th grade level of Junior High School. The research approach used is library research in content analysis. The data collected from reading texts found in English on Sky textbook. There are 10 reading texts which are categorized into different kinds of text. The result of the analysis showes that there are three genre which are used in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga. They are procedure, report, narrative text and these genres fulfilled the KTSP English syllabus requirement. The lexical density of reading text in English on Sky textbook for 9th grade of Junior High School published by Erlangga is around 50%- 60% (quite lexical density). It means that the reading texts are quite lexical densities. It means that the text is not difficult, easy to understand and suitable for students.
Silahkan Download skripsi bahasa inggris terlengkap tentang reading analisis dilink berikut Content Analysis Of Reading Materials In English On Sky Textbook For Junior High School. Thesis. Semarang: Bachelor Program Of English Language Education Of Walisongo State Institute For Islamic Studies, 2011.
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Muhammad Ahkam Arifin