Saturday, August 31, 2013

Download Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Gratis Tentang Analisis Reading

Download Skripsi Bahasa Inggris Gratis Tentang Analisis Reading

This thesis discusses the analysis of reading exercises in Developing English Competencies 1 in term of aim of exercises, text type, type of reading exercises and relevancy with KTSP Curriculum. The background of study is the importance of a good textbook for a guide in teaching and learning process and reading exercises are one of the content of textbook to improve the students skill. The study is aimed at responding the following questions; (1) To which extent of reading exercises in :Developing English Competencies 1 an English textbook for Senior High School Grade X Published by pusat perbukuan Departement Pendidikan Nasional.are relevant with KTSP?, (2) what types of reading exercises are employed in Developing English Competencies 1?. The topic is discussed through library research. The reading exercises in Developing English Competencies 1 are used as data. The data gathered by reading, identification, classification, simplification and analysis. All data then analyzed by using evaluating textbook (content analysis).

The result of analysis reveals that in term of aim of exercise, the Reading Exercises are sufficient enough to improve the students ability in reading skill. In the term of type of texts, all reading exercises are based on type of reading exercises. In term of relevance with KTSP Curriculum, the exercises of textbook do not cover all reading materials demanded in Curriculum, but there are two materials that are not in the textbook. In term of type of reading exercise, all type of reading exercises are covered in the textbook.

So, the reading exercises in Developing English Competencies 1 are relevant with some aspects of reading exercise in term of Aim of exercise and Relevance with KTSP Curriculum. While the reading exercises in this textbook do not cover some of aspects in term of Type of Texts and Type of Reading Exercise.

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