Thursday, September 5, 2013

Download Skripsi Sastra Gratis (The Influence Of Prounonciation toward speaking ability)

Download Skripsi Sastra Gratis (The Influence Of Prounonciation toward speaking ability)

English is an international language which is widely spoken by people in most countries in the world. Because of the importance of it, nowadays English should be learned by the students from elementary school until university. The students they also have to master for basic language skills as reading, listening, speaking and writing. They also have to master grammar, a lot of vocabularies and pronunciation. From those language skills and language components, the writer chooses speaking skill and pronunciation component in his Thesis that is “the Influence of Pronunciation Toward Speaking Ability”.

The pronunciation is important to be given to the students. It is one of the language components that the students have to master. They have to learn to recognize and make some sounds that are not used in their own language. In English, it is very different between how to spell and to pronounce the words. For instance: put and but; live and life; woman and women.

Speaking is the most important skill among others. This can be proved by the fact that all people in the world communicate to each other to express their ideas, thoughts, opinions and feelings orally.

Realizing the statement state above, the writer in his study would like to know whether there is influence between the pronunciation and the speaking ability. And he also wants to find out some problems the students face in learning speaking. In collecting the data, the writer use documentation (the score of pronunciation and speaking test) and questionnaire. Then the data analyze by using “product moment”. The population of this study is the eleventh grade students of MA Musthofawiyah at Nguruan – Soko – Tuban in the academic year 2010/ 2011. And he takes A and B classes as the sample.

From the data analysis shows that the value is 0,393. And according to the significance level 5 % (0,339) and 1 % (0,436) of 34 students is significant. So, from statistical computation above, it can be concluded that the pronunciation gives a positive influence in speaking ability. Besides that according to the result of the students’ questionnaire shows that they face some problems in learning speaking, those are they are afraid of making mistakes, shy to be laughed and nervous when they are asked to speak.

Therefore, is suggested that the teacher should give more speaking practice in English language to the students, and should be able to overcome the problems faced by them.

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